DDS – Connecticut Department of Developmental Services
Assisting applicants who have been denied services from DDS by filing an appeal and requesting a formal administrative hearing and other remedies to:
- Appeal a denial of eligibility for the DDS program for individuals with an Intellectual Disability or IDD;
- Appeal a denial of eligibility for the DDS program for individuals with Autism but not an intellectual disability;
- Appeal an involuntary transfer from one DDS facility to another facility;
- Appeal a denial of a priority.
There are short timelines to file an appeal, typically 60 days from the date of the letter denying a DDS benefit or service. Therefore, you should not delay in seeking advice about whether or not to file an appeal.
The definition of an Intellectual Disability is defined by state law Section 1-1g of the Connecticut General Statutes and differs from the definition of an ID under the special education law and other federal laws.
There are other informal remedies available within DDS including a Programmatic Administrative Review or PAR.